The triangle of male game.

The Average Man
4 min readOct 1, 2022

Every man, every single one, has game. It may not be good game, it may not even be noticeable, but every man has some game and that game can be best described as a triangle.

Behold, the majestic equilateral triangle

The game consists of three sides: resources, fitness, and social skills. What is important to remember about this is that, most times, men have very unbalanced triangles. Some men are massive on one side and lacking on the other two. Some men have longer sides than other men. What is important is that a man understands his triangle and corrects his deficiencies and emphasizes the sides he is long on. Moreover, it is important to understand that you need to actually MAKE the triangle. If you are extremely undeveloped in an area, the rest of your triangle is useless.


This is the most powerful side of the triangle because it is one that can stretch to damn near infinity. The average man makes $45,000 a year, so if we put that on a number scale, let’s call that a “5”. Let’s simplify it further and say that for every $10,000 you get an inch on your triangle. A man who makes $30,000 a year would be a “3”, etc. Now, on most 1–10 scales, 10 is perfect and cannot be surpassed. Resources are the exception to this rule — a man making $100K is a 10, but what about a man making $200K? His resources side is twice as long, hence he is a “20”. What about a man making $800K. Easy, right? He’s an “80”. Now, admittedly, most men will not break $70K/yr in their lifetimes but the point still stands. Why does this matter? Because math, bitches. Behold!

Math! Fuckin metal.

In short, being rich can make up for a whole LOT of other things. Shocker.


I am going to let you in on a secret: women despise fat men. Seriously, do you see women campaigning for male body positivity? No. Do you see women swooning over fat men in the media? Nope. Do you see women giving fat men the same level of respect as human beings that muscular men get? Fuck no! Google “male model” and see how many fat men pop up in your search results, then do the same for women. Then report yourself to the thought police for not thinking that all women are beautiful, you mysogynistic shitlord.

As a man, you will be harshly — and rightfully — judged based on your level of physical fitness. Men will hold you in higher esteem because we know how much work and discipline a sculpted body takes. Women will just wonder if you can pick them up against a wall, because women are superficial and selfish that way.

Having a fit body increases your triangle because it is a discriminator — a man with a six-pack and good deltoids will be looked at more favorably than a skinny or a guy with a belly because it says to women “behold, I can bench press you.” For some reason, women think that ‘muscles=protection’ because we don’t live in a world with guns or something. I don’t get it, because I’m not a woman. Also, I have muscles and guns so I don’t really care. I have personally witnessed the change in demeanor that happens when a man with a nice body and well fitting clothes walks into a room (as an aside, all clothes are well fitting when you have muscles. Just a pro-tip for you guys.). Ironically, I have also seen that moment inspire men to decide to work out. Competition is a hell of a drug, right?

Remember, sexual attraction is a physical thing. Women will give you more opportunities if you look good because, by extension, you make them look good. Oh yes, never underestimate the power of female approval among women. Why do you think women repeatedly date tall muscular men who happen to be total pieces of shit? Looks give status among other women and understanding that is a key component of developing your triangle.

Social Skills

Speaking of how women choose men that make them look good, you really do need to learn how to navigate social circles. Acting like an asocial retard is a fast way to never even have a chance. For example, I met a network security administrator who could not figure out how to act normal. He was out with us at a Sunday gathering with one of my female associates. The entire time, he was just quiet and sat off away from the group. As many times as bro team tried to pull him in and get him to highlight the things about him that are interesting (because we wanna see bros winning) he would get weirder and weirder. Needless to say, despite having a massive finance and somewhat decent fitness component, his social skills were so damn piss poor that it fucked up his whole triangle to the point that it was broken. He didn’t get a second date btw. Shocking.

The best advice I can give here is this: be a man that makes the people around you look better.


The triangle looks different for every man, but the one thing all men have in common is that they are in direct control of their triangle. Understand where you are weak and develop it if you want to have better results in the market.



The Average Man

Just a regular black man doing regular black man things.